It is generally recommended that the Green Card Renewal Form I-90 be filed within 6 months of the expiration date.Without a valid Green Card, it can become difficult to work or travel. It is important to remain aware of a Green Card's expiration date.Individuals with expired Green Cards are required to submit the Green Card Renewal Application Form I-90 as soon as possible.Understand the Process for the Green Card Renewal or Replacement Application (Form I-90):

The following is a breakdown of the government fees typically associated with Form I-90: What are the government fees to renew or replace a Green Card? We’re sure the USCIS tries really hard to make the immigration process easier for you, we’re just here to do it better. Customer service agents are not lawyers and will only answer questions regarding billing or our software. Our teams spend hundreds of hours every week improving how our systems work to make your experience the best it can be on any device. We pride ourselves in running the latest technology to make the immigration application process easy and secure. Our software was built by immigration professionals and currently used by immigration attorneys.

BLANK FORMS ARE AVAILABLE WITH INSTRUCTIONS FOR FREE FROM THE USCIS. PURCHASE PRICE DOES NOT INCLUDE GOVERNMENT FILING FEES. WE ARE A PRIVATELY OWNED WEBSITE PROVIDING EASY, SELF HELP ONLINE IMMIGRATION SOLUTIONS. Read More If you haven’t noticed yet, we’re not A LAW FIRM AND ARE NOT affiliated with ANY GOVERNMENT AGENCY. By the way, here’s something you should know before using our service By the way, here’s something you should know before using our service.