The assisting priest and the MC descend the steps, bow, and withdraw to the south side of the sanctuary, the MC still holding the Prayer Book. The MC takes the Prayer Book from the altar. The celebrant imposes ashes on the assisting priest and the MC The assisting priest imposes ashes on the celebrant The choir begins the antiphon and Psalm 51. The second candlebearer walks up the side steps to the predella, receives the vat from the assisting priest, and puts it back on the credence. The celebrant blesses the ashes and sprinkles them with holy water. The MC places the Prayer Book (open to page 265) on the altar. The second candlebearer brings the holy water vat to the assisting priest (walking up the side steps to the predella), and then returns to his place. The celebrant returns the Prayer Book to the MC.Īt the signal from the celebrant, the three ascend the altar steps. When he does, the MC and assisting priest make a quarter turn (as at the Sursum corda), so as to face him.Īt the end of the allocution all three kneel on the lowest step. The celebrant turns west to read the allocution. The MC hands the Prayer Book to the celebrant. When they have passed through the rail, the MC moves to the left and the assisting priest to the right. The preacher, meanwhile, returns to his place.Īs soon as the first candlebearer returns to his place, the MC, taking the large Prayer Book from the table, leads the celebrant and assisting priest to the foot of the altar. After placing the ashes on the altar, he descends the steps, bows again, and withdraws to his place.

He walks along the pavement and bows before ascending the steps. Immediately after the homily, the first candlebearer places the ashes on the altar at the middle.

The Penitential Rite and Imposition of Ashes The Creed, Prayers of the People, and usual Confession of Sin are omitted. The collect is sung recto tono.Īll is done as usual up to the end of the Homily. The celebrant’s greeting and the Collect of the Day immediately follow the introit. The Opening Acclamation and Kyrie are omitted.

(The celebrant wears a chasuble, not a cope.)Īll enter in the usual way while the choir sings the introit.

On the MC's table: A large Prayer Book, marked at page 264Īll vest as usual. A piece of bread (for cleaning the celebrant's fingers)